Religious education
Who was John the Baptist
Lesson on John the Baptist, suitable for KS3 and KS4. Written for new Religious Education Directory syllabus.
Original Sin
A simple lesson looking at the concept of Original Sin, in a manner appropriate to KS3/low ability KS4.
How were humans created - Genesis 2
KS3 lesson on the creation of humanity
How does God reveal himself - Revelation
KS3 lesson on Revelation, originally taught to Year 7 according to new Catholic framework but suitable for any KS3/lower ability KS4.
Modern day prophets and prophetic activism
Lesson suitable for KS3 and KS4 students on what a prophet is and whether prophets exist in the modern day.
Malala Yousafzai
An overview of Malala’s life and how she has inspired a generation
Jewish beliefs on Life After Death
An overview of Jewish beliefs on life after death.
Christian and Humanist view on life after death
A PowerPoint suitable for students in KS3 and KS4 reviewing simple aspects of Christian and Humanist views on the afterlife.
Christmas Carols
Lesson looking at traditional Christmas carols and creating their own Christmas carol. A fun but structured Christmas lesson!
What are the sacraments and why are they important to Catholics?
Lesson originally created for Edexcel Catholic Christianity GCSE.
Catholic Social Teachings
Lesson originally created for Edexcel Catholic Christianity GCSE.
Dominion and Stewardship
A resource originally created for a GCSE class studying Edexcel Catholic Christianity. Suitable for high ability KS3 or any KS4 class.
Artistic representations of the resurrection of Jesus
Full lesson covering Jesus’ resurrection and how it is shown in various paintings. Includes creative task to create their own art work showing the resurrection. Suitable for KS3/4 students.
Desmond Doss
A lesson looking at the life of Desmond Doss.
Religious Education Directory - Imago Dei
Lesson for KS3 students (Year 9) based on NEW Religious Education Directory for Catholic Schools. Includes two lessons on Imago Dei as per guidance.
St Paul on the resurrection of Jesus
Lesson suitable for KS3 and KS4 on the resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of St Paul.
Liturgical Worship in Catholic Christianity
Lesson originally created for Edexcel Catholic Christianity GCSE.
Creation and Intepretations of Genesis
A lesson originally planned for KS4 class studying Edexcel Catholic Christianity GCSE. Suitable for a high ability KS3 class or KS4 GCSE class.
The Trinity - Catholic Christianity
A resource originally used for a Year 10 class for Edexcel Catholic Christianity Chapter 1 - Beliefs and Teachings. Suitable for higher ability KS3 and all KS4 students.
Religious Education Directory - Euthanasia
Lesson for KS3 students (Year 9) based on NEW Religious Education Directory for Catholic Schools.